General Counsel PC

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GC routinely drafts employment contracts, confidentiality agreements, and trade secret protections, as well as handles issues involving wrongful termination, interpretation of legislation regarding hiring practices, benefits, age and race discrimination, harassment, and disability plans.

In this day and age, with the current corporate climate and the "lottery" mentality of many employees, it is no long a question of "if" but of "when" an employment-related suit will be brought. More often than not, this turns into "bet-the-company" litigation. GC proactively works to help you erect defenses ahead of time in the form of proper policies and procedures, so that when the suit comes, you'll be ready.

A further key focus is to advise clients of state and federal laws affecting employers, such as wage and hour provisions, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Fair Employment and Housing Act.

California's anti-business climate is slowly thawing, but the legislative and regulatory thicket still presents challenges on a daily basis.

To help business owners cope with this, GC focuses on pragmatic issues and the development of pro-active, non-litigation solutions.

GC routinely strives to find answers outside the courts, promoting harmonious and productive workplace environments for our clients.

Additionally, GC holds regular seminars on a variety of employment-related topics, to keep business owners educated and ready to deal with the daily challenges of managing their human resources.

Case in focus:

Employee sued for sexual harassment. GC had implemented an internal system at Company that complied with State and Federal law. Since Employee did not even attempt to use this system (preferring to sue immediately), GC got entire case dismissed.

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